My Sweet Angel, Today you turned 2, WOW! You may never know the troubles we have overcame these 1st 2 years, at this point I know I have only survived to keep you safe and make sure you thrive. This year we moved from the magical guest house that became our sanctuary when you were only 6 months old, we got our 1st apartment, you have grown so much! You love mac and cheese, apples, nutella, ice cream, dancing, baby shark, visiting friends, ALL the dogs, you have so much sass and spunk already, it blows my mind, MOST of the time you are kind. Today you got your 1st bike and ice cream cake, we went and fed duckies, flew a kite, you had a great time. We were supposed to celebrate you with a party but this year a crazy virus called COVID-19 came and has pretty much stopped the whole country, I hope you never have to experience the world like this, I've never seen any thing like it. To be honest I never wanted to bring a child into this strange land, it didn't feel responsible but now that you are here I know I have to fight harder, make sure you are smarter, teaching you the difference between right and wrong, how to stay strong, and that we aren't here very long. I can't wait to show you pictures when you get older, but until then I will hold you every chance I get, be there every time you cry, and continue to try... Try to be stronger, braver, more confident, assertive, patient... I love you sooo freaking much. You are my world babygirl, Love Always, Mommy
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As per your Auntie Laurie's suggestion here was what I journaled for your 1st birthday on 3/29/2019...
My Dearest Suzie Sunshine, I cannot believe it has been a year already! We started your birthday celebration at Dad's house, went by your Jojo's office where you were showered with gifts and love. Then we went back to dads to see you eat your 1st cake, it was love at 1st bite! The next day mommy's friends gathered at the park to love on you, I enjoyed showing everyone how cute you were eating cupcakes. You are the happiest and most amazing little love, mommy loves you and celebrating you every day sooo much. You have changed my life and world so much already, I don't know where our journey will take us, but I am confident we will make it through together. Because of you my world is better, I know we can figure out this crazy life together. You are my heart. Love Always, Your Mommy Moon 10/3/19
✨Why MiSty’s Yoga House is my hOMe✨ •how my ‘yoga lifestyle’ teaches me• I haven’t taught in a yoga studio in a few years, I prefer teaching privately, this is where I feel I find the most successful (helping, holding the most space for clients, and keeping them safely aligned). I’ve always felt so ‘connected’ but misunderstood, like most of you... All I ever wanted to do with my life is help people. Moving to Nashville to pursue a nursing career... then deciding I didnt believe in modern medicine and didn’t want to support a pill popping, not FEELing culture I became lost and had no direction. I began reading about yoga in high school and always loved stretching so I decided to try this new hot yoga craze, this is where I met Misty, a retired nurse, who felt she could help people just as much with yoga! I wasn’t even thinking about teaching(still don’t call myself a teacher and am always learning) just knew I needed yoga in my life and as much of it as possible. After inquiring to Misty about the price of a year of yoga (my fiancée had asked me what I wanted as a wedding gift) she said she thought I’d be a great teacher. THE BEST GIFT EVER!!! I loved teacher training under Misty, seeing how each teacher used their training and how they have blossomed over the years keeps me inspired as well, it’s so different for each of us. When I started yoga I smoked cigarettes, didn’t breathe and had no idea how to relax. I was so inspired by Cindy Terry she was the coolest, 20 years older, at least 60 lbs heavier, but breathed, moved freely, and was lighter than I felt I had ever been. Leslie Kirby was my partner, her practice was so stunning to watch, she is in the Women’s Karate Hall of Fame, worked tirelessly as a dental hygienist I was lucky to know her, and Savannah was and still is a fav...so strong, could and can still flow like nothing I have seen. I taught free classes at Centennial Park for over a year, with Misty until she closed the original House plus several Nashville yoga and yoga fusion studios, was offered free trainings for pilates, tap n pow"her"... but it wasn’t MY yoga. I finally found another home at Curvy Yoga Nashville with Anna and Liz, teaching there the whole time they were open is where I really began to love myself, my teaching style, and client's began telling me I helped them learn how to love their self I even had it tattooed on the back my neck so they could read and see it in class. I worked here until Curvy Yoga took off internationally and creator Anna Guest-Jelley began doing more schools and writing. I was lucky enough to work for Project Belle, they had a vision of bringing nail, hair, and lifestyle care into homes , here I had the privilege of meeting many private clients, some famous artists, led yoga and meditation classes for conventions at the Opryland and Omni hotels in Nashville. As project belle rebranded and focused I was left without a way to share my passion and purpose again... then Creative Souls Tribe magically came in...for a year I was able to connect with beautiful souls each month at fitness events as their lifestyle and fitness coordinator... this is where I met Angie who is a real life angel and donated space for me to be able to teach for free through winter when the parks were closed. As Creative Souls and my pregnant belly grew classes went down to quarterly and I was left to me, my practice, a couple clients but missed the ‘connection’ and helping again. Amazingly enough Misty found a new hOMe... people have physically followed her for a decade and I am grateful to share that am now teaching with her again! https://yogahousegoodlettsville.punchpass.com/ It’s the funnest little space right behind one of my favorites Sweet Tea and Shopping! Just my 1st week I witnessed such beautiful release ! Come practice with precious yogi souls ✌🏼 7/29/19 Received my favorite and most cherished compliment this morning.... as some one showed up to me vulnerable, real, and honest doing so because they knew I was safe, would never judge, not divulge, say or think one negative thing... That’s what Misty calls living our yoga. So tonight as I walk into class knowing I am and hope to always be growing; Choosing to see people as light and their good, no time to point out flaws, share shame or faults. Thank you for seeing and sharing✨ Come & Live YOUR yoga with me 💖 I have worked TREMENDOUSLY hard to make my classes unlike any one else’s... Misty has worked decades to provide a unique sacred space for us misfits looking for something more spiritual than just going through asana poses... I have cried tears of joy collectively for at least 3 hours today because of this beautiful testimony(you can read it on the Daisy tab/page)... Me and my yoga aren’t for every one but if I touch just one I am grateful and have fulfilled my purpose. Yoga isn’t a workout for me it truly is the way I try to live my thoughts and life (yes I still eat meat but it’s more about not judging for me). I have been blessed to meet and work with sooo many amazing individuals but in this line of work, most have become dear friends. It’s not like you get a quarterly performance review, so to the one who took the time to write this (more importantly choosing to shine yourself) thank you... you are the reason(s) I will continue fearlessly to pursue this crazy dream, spiritual work, with only the desire to inspire, not build an empire. If you have taken a class from me I would really love and appreciate to hear from you and your testimony too, I freaking love you ! ✨💖✨ Dearest, You are a gift to be treasured a life to be lived a light to be shined. You will survive. You will thrive. Take your time. Don't be so hard on yourself Mommy is ALWAYS here to help! Before you were born I asked people to share their favorite motherhood stories, ideas, and tips. Your aunt recommended I write you a letter every year on your birthday, then give them to you when you turned 18, I loved this idea! Throughout pregnancy the only thing I promised you was that I would be there NO MATTER WHAT! I had heard enough birthing stories to know that there was no amount of preparation, manifestation, or calculation that would make the process smooth or painless. I use this analogy and experience for parenting as well. Knowing I couldn't control the labor process I decided to focus on how our life and my body would be after delivery. Sadly I couldn't get your big beautiful pumpkin head past a bone and ended up having to "woman up," have my perineum cut, which caused level 3 tearing and up to 3 months recovery, and messing up my "back to me" plan tremendously. 8 weeks postpartum most books say your organs are shifting, moving back in place, and that you are slowly making your way. So when I got sick I just kept pushing through, assuming that's what it was like and I had too much to do. After a week of feeling "off" but still being VERY active, I decided I couldn't take it anymore and needed medical attention. Your dad was playing a show, had not been alone with just you, it killed me to leave but I knew I had to go. Upon hospitalization we learned my appendix had ruptured (any where between 8-10 days prior), that I was lucky it had "walled up" behind my colon and that I could have died... this changed EVERYTHING for me, mostly because you had only been alive 2 months, I was already failing you and could have possibly broke my only promise. So I made changes. LOTS. One thing that remains the same and will NEVER change, is my love for you, so here's what I am going to do... I have already written your 1st two birthday letters but instead of waiting I am going to leave them here as well as my version of the ABC's of me for Suzie so if any thing ever does happen to me, you will still be able to see. I can never put in to words the love, strength, hope, and freaking fear I have for you, my precious innocent boogie angel... SUZIE, My past will not diminish your future. Your past does not diminish your future. I made MANY bad choices & am sharing them in hopes you will not make the same ones. Your choices regardless of circumstance effect who you are. I read "Anne of Green Gables" in 4th grade and will never forget the line "if I learn from every mistake I make and never make the same mistake twice, eventually I will be perfect!" This is something I firmly believed, but wish I would have had the guidance and wisdom to prevent and implement. I know hard and bad times will come, but you are always my #1. Please don't read until it's ok'd by me or you are 16. You are my Sun and Stars Remember to Always Shine Bright Be and Share the Light Stay Kind and True LOVE, Mommy Moon
Dearest, The last time (prepregnancy) Christy was kind enough to photograph me was a time in my life I felt confident, had finally fallen in love with myself, and was comfortable in my own skin. My husband walked in, we were shooting a milk bath(in our bathroom and for him), he became offended, insulted us both, made us cry, all the pictures were deleted before I could even see, and so much of the whys, what more can I do, and self doubt came back. I’ve been called sexy many times, it’s not something I believe and honestly feel is more burden than blessing most days (I know poor pretty girl) but it blocks people from truly caring about your depth, character, and thoughts, they assume that’s all you amount to or that your body is your only gift. Today I’m proud to say sexy to me is embracing the vulnerable hidden parts, showing someone your soul. When I got pregnant, I was separated... my husband tried to act like the baby wasn’t his even forcing me to take a paternity test while in the hospital bed, this means there is no photo of me and my daughter the day she was born and no family photo of us in the hospital. (results could take up to a week) It hurt and hurts. Needless to say she was his, she and I were made many promises, sadly after 6 months, no change and no connection, I left again. Over a VERY long year later Christy has had a precious baby and spoke up about the lack of moms in photos, knew some of my story and kindly offered to change that for me and my sweet Suzie . This photo session didn’t go as we intended. The Thursday before our scheduled Monday shoot she informed me a dancer backed out and asked if I could do some yoga poses with dresses and fabric she had I gladly obliged, When Suzie and I arrived at the shoot she immediately lost it when I tried to change her, hold her, or get a picture... she would go sit on Christy’s lap to look at the camera, clapped every time the flash went off but there was no wrangling her, I will be so grateful if we got one shot worthy of my Dad and Mother by loves' mantle... Christy brought this dress, I’ve only owned one other shirt that goes this low, literally asked her if she photoshopped boobs on me, but then I stopped and took the time to actually look and see me.... Just me... Knowing that’s the best thing I can be for Suzie. loving my body, my scars, my broken heart because I know I am good, worthy and capable of way more than infatuation...of true, real, open, raw, communicating, conflicting and not at all consuming love. I am so grateful for my body even though it has been abused and starved, it is a gift, one that nurtured my baby girl and harbors my precious soul. Regardless of what you think, our truths and stories are different I’m not here to impress anyone but am impressed by so many especially the talent, vision, and friendship of Christy Shaterian-Dux, thanks for seeing me and loving me even when it’s crazy. Bliss and Blessings, Daisy Alexandria Technically, it's called the Mother Wound. I've always felt nurturing, motherly, capable, empathetic... growing older and becoming a mother has further heightened my awareness. The mother wound can show up as -shrinking yourself to feel "loved" -beliefs that your feelings are bad -avoiding conflict to "keep the peace" - struggling to make + maintain boundaries -lack of love for your own body -dismiss your pain as not that bad -feeling responsible for your mom or other people's happiness -persistent sense you are too much via@motherwoundproject These are feelings I am terrified to inflict upon my daughter and do not blame my mother for. It has taken me a lot of therapy, understanding, and accepting. I do not believe in blame. I believe in cause and effect. That intentions are usually meant to be good and true. Consequences happen. Boundaries are hard. Being human is harder. My dear friend and life coach Kathleen McHugh wrote this phenomenal poem called, Little Girl Lost, that I felt so deeply it immediately changed my life. She has taught me so much about receiving and believing.
What I always knew but realized was most of us if not all, are little girls and boys lost. Boys told to man up, they'll be given something to cry about. Girls told to be strong, quiet, pretty. I've been told my whole life things should have been different, but what I have always felt is that EVERY one is a miracle. EVERY day is a gift. Even my whole jewelry line is "one of a kind like you." EVERY one is broken. Not everyone is healing. I didn't plan or want to bring a child into this crazy world. Adoption, yes, that way I couldn't be blamed or feel responsible. Then she happened... EVEN MORE Responsibility. Awareness. Enlightenment. Change. We all have Mother, Father, Family, Friends, Stranger Wounds. Yet we are still little lost boys and girls who felt safest in the womb. The hardest thing I have ever done is be an imperfect parent loving a perfect child. Be Kind. To Yourself and your children. Feel it ALL. Be who you are. It has been such a amazing year getting to know and grow with this amazing, fabulous, and EXTREMELY hard working momma and mentor! Her huge heart and love for the Lord shines so bright. She is an insanely talented harpist which has made me appreciate and enjoy this magical instrument more than ever, as well as a gifted singer, piano player, and song writer. In addition to two baby boys, serving the girls at Youth Villages, playing concert halls and weddings, she also has started a blog www.thelacegarden.com where she posts boho/gypsy outfit inspo, DIY home decor, and of course Mommy's favorite moments! Blog Photos (6 middle rows) by the uber talented www.bethanylongphotography.com.
Deidre from LEFTTOWRITE Blog recently challenged her readers to make a list of her 5 nonnegotiable's, I pretty much agree with EVERYTHING this woman says, she's so talented!
Her list was what you shouldn't and won't sacrifice for a relationship, mine is on what I believe I can't sacrifice for my happiness....usually I find they coincide, we lose ourselves "in love" far too often. 1.) DANCING - daily. movement. release. 2.) SPIRIT LED - seeking. open. compassionate. 3.) KIND - equal. worthy. giving. 4.) HARD WORKING - driven. growing. dedicated. 5.) LOYAL - satisfied. nonjudgmental. respect. Not only did I inherit my AHHHmazing Grandmother's name, I was also gifted vintage costume jewelry pieces from her and my Aunt Virginia, whose house I used to help my mom clean, which were the beginning of my passion for creating meaningful affordable jewelry.
When reinventing these treasured gifts I fell in love with the designing and creating process! I constantly battle myself on being a designer, not an artist because I choose to make affordable pieces, it has taken me a long time to find ways to get quality up, while keeping prices low, but I am so grateful to have found a happy medium where I can let you and others know how special they are and truly oneofakind each and every one of us is and should feel. I even started thinking I could make everything custom and your jewelry dreams come true. I quickly realized most people didn't know exactly what they were looking for so variety, simplicity, and a HUGE selection occurred with the ability to easily rearrange to help tell the customers story. Yoga started years ago personally then happened professionally by accident! I always wanted to be a nurse to help people then found a retired nurse who believed I would be a good teacher and that she helped people just as much with yoga. After being in a relationship with someone on pain pills and taking my fair share of antidepressants I was kind of over the pharma idea and seeking more natural and alternative means of healing and medicine. This is where the love of creating with gemstones comes in, especially infusing them with oils. You get the healing property of the stone as well as the oil and it makes me so happy! I have learned so much, failed over and over again, as all entrepreneurs and dreamers have. But I know jewelry and soul yoga are what I was made to do. I would love to hear from you! Bliss and Blessings By Courtney : An unstable childhood left Daisy feeling unwanted, unloved, lost and mad at God. As a teenager, cycles of abandonment and cruel bullying from a "friend" made her question her own worthiness. Searching for something to fill that void, Daisy found herself in love and in an abusive relationship. Years of abuse left her even more broken and in desperate need of something to fill all voids. Daisy found herself in jail after a series of bad decisions and mistakes. The guilt and shame that followed amplified the feelings of unworthiness and longing for acceptance. This cycle of feeling unloved, unwanted and unworthy started to change after hitting rock bottom and turning to God. She began focusing on filling her mind with positive reinforcements and inspiration to change her mindset and eventually became the joy and light to everyone around her. Cortney Continued: Searching for something to fill the voids established throughout her childhood (see Part I), Daisy found herself in love and in an abusive relationship. Years of abuse left her even more broken and in desperate need of something to fill all voids. Daisy found herself in jail after a series of bad decisions and mistakes. The guilt and shame that followed amplified the feelings of unworthiness and longing for acceptance. This cycle of feeling unloved, unwanted and unworthy started to change after hitting rock bottom and turning to God. She began focusing on filling her mind with positive reinforcements and inspiration to change her mindset and eventually became the joy and light to everyone around her. Try, Thrive and Keep Shining Lovely!
In my opinion media has/is unintentionally and very purposefully manipulating our self worth, definitions of beauty, career, relationships, a good life and I hope to stand amongst the other brilliant woman hoping to divert and change this misconstrued perception, because lovely, it isn't real and it most definitely isn't truth. So here I am guys, just being me, trying to LOVE everything...
Hi, I’m Daisy Alexandria, I love designing and making one of a kind jewelry. When looking at my social media you’ll see lots of inspiration, fun, events, and “pretty pictures” but what you rarely see is my daily yoga wear, chipped/broken fingernails, the relentless dark circles, the fear battling, the shame healing, the truth telling…
But this is just the beginning. I am hoping to be a light and remind others to keep shining bright, to actually LIVE their life. Thanks @halfthestory for reminding us to keep it real. Starting Instagram with the intention of a happy positive social media platform still didn’t keep me from playing the compare and despair game. So I began posting inspirational quotes (cha cha cheesy, I know), but the response was amazing. I was able to find some much needed real connections and realize that so many other people were looking for encouragement and friendly reminders as well!We have all faced so many battles and are lost and broken at times. I love the #halfthestory campaign because it highlights the parts we try to keep in the dark, and the only way to beat darkness is by bringing in to light. Depression, anorexia, and physical and mental abuse kept me in hiding for far too long. I love that this campaign represents more than just a pretty picture. I see it so clearly with my husband who writes songs and restores old cars; everyone always tells him he is so lucky and talented and that they wish they could do what he does. But they never know that he works 75 hours a week, will redo the same exact thing 10 times to get it right, and struggles over every word and melody for months. Sometimes, he is in so much pain he doesn’t think he can go on. Instead of enjoying the process and journey, we tend to only see and reach for the end result and the acknowledgement that comes with it. My hope is to prevent some of the negative self image and self destruction and to provide a safe encouraging place for all the absolutely wonderful weirdos like me! Thanks to #halfthestory I’m taking the pledge to be even more authentic online as well as embrace the complete and complicated stories of other. I hope you will too.
+ being attentive and passionate to me
so I can be an attentive and passionate person, wife, dogmom, and friend. Hiding behind shame, guilt, hate or fear as you probably know and hear (Love you Theresa Roth, Liz Gilbert, Renee Brown, Gabby Bernstein, Rachel Brathen...) gets you NOwhere, like these Magic Masters I believe it's important to KNOWhere these feelings are coming from too. Hoping to inspire others, provide a safe, positive, informative, nonjudgemental and uplighting space to share my story, my precious husband Roberts story, and the stories of some amazingly authentic, beautifully brave, sometimes awkwardly awesome, seeking souls. I'm sooooo anxious..... my heart says go, tears fall... BIRTHDAYS ARE THE BEST! Last year for my birthday I decided to have a photoshoot with some of my favorite women personally and professionally, mainly because when you are a dream chaser you feel bad spending or scheduling too much time for fun and yourself. Thinking this would be a great excuse for us hardworking women to get together, dolled up, and take a break (most photoshoots include a lot of down time for the models) but still accomplish something important to all of us, sharing stories and being who we are. I Believe in Authenticity and have found it hard to portray my realest self across multiple social media platforms, especially not being tech or text savvy. Fully embracing and knowing part of my purpose is to help by sharing these empowering stories, setting our own beauty standards & learning how to love ourselves unconditionally! Christy Shaterian PhotographyThe most talented photographer I have ever worked with, and one of the greatest friends a girl could ask for Christy Shaterian is making waves in the photography community. As a detail specialist, she goes above and beyond to make her clients at ease and happy. Helping you to find your vision and understand what it's going to take to create it. Coming from California and Las Vegas her portfolio is quite extensive, as well as many new clients here in Nashville. She is a kind and humble teacher, having learned from her Father, it is definitely in her blood and something that she loves. I enjoy her Company, Event, and Composite Photography. Her composites are unlike anything I've ever seen
go check out ChristyShaterianPhotography.com NOW! As one of my greatest friends I couldn't ask for a better woman to help exemplify God's love and Grace. She is an amazing dancer, awesome hip hop rapper, and expert gamer! Overcoming so many obstacles to get where she is today as well as taking steps to improve each day, you will be hearing more and from her soon! Sunny BandThis Fabulous Fascinator Creator and Fun Fashion Provider is one of the 1st women I met and found my soul spark with in Nashville. She was starting Sunny Band, a headband line that was different than any headband I had seen and needed models. I had done some modeling, mostly to appease my mother, although I do love fashion, runway shows, and modeling, it was never what I wanted my life or career to be but THIS and SHE looked like fun and welcoming. The most exciting part was that her headbands actually didn't hurt my head and I loved wearing them! Little did we know that 2 years later I would be making jewelry and she would be producing her very own fashion show!
Sunny Band has been featured in many online and print publications, New York Fashion Week, Fashion News, as well as worn by a list of celebrities, musicians, plays, musicals, tv personalities, gay men (she'll even make you a hat!), and of course thousands of ONEOFAKIND precious princesses (I like to think of my SUNNYband as my crown) who AREN'T AFRAID to let their true colors show and to stand out. We ended up doing 4 Sunny Band fashion shows together (hope to see you at the 5th) which helped our business relationship tremendously, I learned about her past as a performer, (we sang and danced while we worked) her love for her friends and making them feel special (she made her 1st Sunny Bands for a girls trip where they ended up getting stopped multiple times for inquiries about their hair accessories) and her love for fashion. As we got to know each other more personally I learned how much she had struggled, when Sunny Band was started, how she loved herself but wasn't in love with herself like I thought she was and should be. What inspired me was how she battled her fear, as many of us do, but continued to stay true, pushing herself, she is always trying something new. Now we continue to grow together daily in business and fun connecting and creating with our other Soul Sisters! There are going to be many many many more stories and interviews about this one coming up so stay tuned! Learn more about Sunny at SUNNYBAND.com on IG @sunnybandsunnybling FB & Twitter @sunnyband Bessie May & Co One of Nashville's Best DIYers, Anna Barry specializes in providing unique and custom jewelry, home decor and has a spectacular online store featuring her own creations as well as local artists with a wide range of skill sets. Starting Bessie May in honor of her mother who was a remarkable creator, teacher, party thrower, market lover, thrift enthusiast, store owner....(just to name a few) wanting to be able to help build and be part of the community around her, she hopes to bring people together through art by providing craft classes and showcasing oneofakind, hard to find, and personal items! You can contact her for private parties and check out her online store here. With the most infectious laugh I've ever heard and a strong self of who she is there is no challenge I have seen her face without a smile and positive attitude. She is talented maker, host, performer, and educator, I know her Mother would be so very proud. She is also one of the most giving people I've ever met, isn't afraid to speak her mind but really does do it kind! Patient, Bright, So Much Fun, an Amazing singer, Eager student and Caring teacher working and collaborating with her is always a blast!
Make sure to follow her Instagram. Check out the website for more details! http://www.bessiemayco.com |
Daisy Alexandria Yoga Teaching, Encouraging, Archives
September 2020
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